Prehistoric Sea Creature Found On Mars?

Not sure what to make of this one, even from a distance it certainly looks out of place on the surface, it reminds me of a large fish.

Once we zoom in, several points of interest can be observed, we can see a large head with an eye, a possible dorsal fin, and a long twisted body, which appears to broken through the center.

I would doubt that this is a living fish, the absence of any surrounding water destroys that theory, but its more likely to be a stone statue or possibly the petrified carcass of some ancient martian sea creature.

Its quite big too, estimated size of this object is around 8 feet in length.

The creature is obviously prehistoric in nature and quite similar to creatures that existed on Earth millions of years ago, so its reasonable to assume that similar sea critters could have existed on Mars, considering a third of the planet was covered in water in its distant past.

Mars Raw Images Here