Huge Rectangular UFO Spotted Over Charlotte?

This mysterious object was photographed just southwest of Charlotte by Javion Hill, who says he took a few photos of the object during a storm, he did attempt to stop his car to record the alleged craft on video, but by then the object had mysteriously disappeared.

The object appears rectangular in shape, but most of it appears in silhouette as you can see in the image, and it does look structured, could it be a reflection?

The witness stated:

"I was on my way home with my wife on the speaker phone, and it looked like there was a tornado coming, so I was trying to take a picture of the clouds for my wife"

"But then I saw something that was not normal and I was, like: ‘Oh my god, what is that"

"I started trying to take as many pictures of it as possible while I was driving."

"I was worried for my safety, I did not believe in UFOs until that moment."

Mr. Hill also states that the actual object was larger than it appeared in the photograph, and could have been a military craft.

This object is reminiscent of the UFO that appeared over Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora in 1997, and was witnessed by hundreds of people, but unfortunately or conveniently this massive object only had one solitary witness, draw your own conclusions to that one.

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