Possible Mammal Found On Mars?

This discovery is absolutely astounding, it appears to show a mammal of some kind hiding behind some rocks on the martian surface.

The question is however, is this proof positive that life does exist on mars, or was this little critter photographed right here on earth, as some conspiracy theorists have claimed.

The artifact does look very similar to a rodent like creature covered in light fur.

In the comparison image below, we can see the possible critter looks very much like a capybara or prairie dog, which are found right here on earth, but is this possible?

Well its certainly possible if you have an open mind, but honestly speaking there are only three possibilities concerning this artifact, and what it could be.

1: Its a rock, which has been eroded over time and that coupled with a sprinkling of pareidolia would result in our imaginations seeing a creature of some kind.

2: The rover is not on mars at all, and NASA have faked the images using devon island as a location to mimic the harsh martian environment, and this little critter was accidentally photographed by the rover.

3: The image was taken on mars and this little creature was snapped by the rover, thus proving that mars does indeed have life on it, not just mammal life, but also other lifeforms and plant life, the creature has to eat.

It would also prove that mars has a life sustaining atmosphere and an abundant water supply, and that's exactly what whistle-blowers and mars researchers have been claiming for decades.

Mars Raw Images Here